Aberystwyth University

by Collabco



Everything you need to discover why you should choose Aberystwyth University

Free ApAber for Aberystwyth University prospective students and current students.ApAber brings everything relating to your Aberystwyth University experience together in one easy-to-use and personalised app.The ApAber app gives you access to everything you need to know about Aberystwyth University and also make a success of your learning in one place and with notifications to keep you updated.This includes:• Full information about our courses• Information on Student Life at Aberystwyth• Open day registration and planner• Email - access to a light version of your mail client so you can keep track of important messages• Calendars – including access to your personal timetable• AberLearn Blackboard• Attendance – check your attendance• AberCard Balances – check your catering and printing balances• Library account - keep up-to-date with your borrowing history and reservations, as well as receive notifications when a reserved book is available, or overdue notices• Computer Availability – see where there are free computers• News – latest news from Aberystwyth University• Alerts – important notices• TasksMore to be added regularly. If you have any items you would like to see or any feedback – please let us know at [email protected]

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Randomly changes to offline mode all the time.

Rob Thomas

Great when it works, but at the start of every year it's broken again and will not even open.

Helen MacDougall

The app doesn't even open properly. I'm stuck at 23%

Mohammed Shakib

Now logs in and seems to be a good layout and easy features

Rosie Cartwright

Stuck on 23% loading screen after about 10 tries on uninstalling and installing again..fix you app

Konrad Grochulski

Stuck on 23% load.

Tara Farrell

Stuck on 23% like others after a week

michael jeynes

Still gets stuck at 23% after a month of this glitch first happening.

Locky Hunt

Brilliant idea but won't load. Stuck on 23% maybe test your apps before emailing students to tell them to download it? Let us know when it's fixed as it's a really good idea!!

Tasmin Baker

Stuck on 23% on loading screen after over 20 attempts of opening app. Cannot access my incredibly important emails that I need to access BEFORE I return to university on 24 of August. You should take this opportunity to really upgrade the app, like giving students the option to receive notifications from the app.
